Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash
In a strange twist of events my son decided to take a late afternoon nap. I know I talk WAY too much about our sleep habits over here, but as a toddler-mom, bedtime and naps are my current reality and if they’re not going well, well, neither is much else.
Our temps finally dropped over the weekend, I even had to dig out a sweater or two. It finally feels like fall and I’m over the moon excited for November 1 to roll around, because in my world, that’s when the Christmas festivities can finally begin! Christmas music and pine candles, here we go! I know I’m a crazy nut, I don’t even care. My jolly spirit will probably wane tomorrow, I heard a rumor that we’re getting warm weather again and then we’re leaving for the beach on Saturday and another trip this month, my yuletide feelings will have to be postponed for the next few week, but a girl can dream.
I have lots of things to get tied up this week before we leave. A friend of ours kindly gave us a week at his beach house and since Josh is buried in work, I took advantage of it and invited my best gals down for a fun getaway, Josh will join later and some of his family will come up for the last part of the week and we’ll have a big thanksgiving dinner together. I have lots of packing and grocery shopping to do over the next few days. OH! And my bff/sister Brooke is flying in on Friday, so we get some extra time together!
My list has the most random assortment of things currently on it, find a babysitter for thursday, find a babysitter for 2 weeks from now, buy turkey, find dress for black tie event (I ran around town this wekeend and couldn’t find anything), get bangs trimmed, book eye, dental and tire shop appointments, and much more.
And my nails are in desperate need of attention, they’ve been bare for the longest time in a long time. I had a powder dip manicure (my first) in September and even though I followed the proper steps to remove it, my nails have never looked worse. I’m torn between keeping up with gel or just doing regular polish for a bit to give them a break.
So, 2 questions for you today: do you have any black tie outfit ideas for me? And what is your current favorite nail polish color?
Can’t wait to see you! Also, thanks for the reminder to call my nail lady!