Photo by Nicole Honeywill on Unsplash
Good (early) Saturday morning to you.
So Josh and I do this really fun parent thing called”no, its ok honey, you sleep in this morning, I’ve got the baby”. It’s just this game that we like to play. And since he was traveling all week and is adjusting to a new/big diet change, I gave him the extra sleep.
News alert: our son figured out how to escape his crib (and the play area at the gym, but that’s another story for another time). His crib is on the lowest notch and he’s still too young for a toddler bed, so we’re still trying to figure out our game plan. He’s a super-tall kid so he can easily monkey out of it without hurting himself and it is pretty cute to hear him running to our bed in the morning, but yeah, I’m going to need him to stay in there a little longer. For now we’re watching some tv (he made it through an episode of Andy Griffith before asking for Paw Patrol. Progress!)
This week was one of our “calm before the storm” weeks. We have lots of exciting things ahead and so I’ve been making lists, organizing (finally did a kon-mari of my kitchen!), working through my to-dos and various meltdowns.
The last few months have been high-stress, Josh thrives on that kind of environment, I like to stretch myself and my organizational skills to prove that I can do it too. And I can, but the trade-off has been lots of feelings and tears. Josh keeps reminding me to control what I can and just do the next thing. What kind of positivity/life coach am I married to?!? I’m sipping lots of tea (especially this one!) and trying to spend more time reading and just being quiet (I’m reading this book and its fascinating so far).
I hope you have a lovely weekend, I think the plan is for me to get some “mommy alone” time today, I’m on the hunt for a bathing suit and white jeans, or more specifically, off to find 3 unicorns and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Pray for me!!
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