I don’t know that I’ve shared much of our homes online before so this is a new sort of post for me. And it feels a little silly to show my apartment setup since there are so many beautiful kitchen tours out there, but I think it’s important to appreciate where you are and to realize that almost any space can be pretty and functional. We are definitely looking forward to moving into a house (plans are for later this year!) but for now, we are grateful for the simplicity of apartment living!
I was inspired by this photo from @haneenshaven to hang artwork in my kitchen. If you scroll up to the last photo you’ll see a tiny vintage print of the Houses of Parliament in London, that piece was a gift from my brother years ago and it’s still one of my favorites.
This “cafe girl” print is my VERY favorite, it was a gift from my uncle and I’ve just loved it. I had it in my room at my parents house (you can even see it in some of my getting ready wedding photos), then it was hanging in our old laundry room and now I have it on our kitchen wall. Josh think’s she’s a little creepy, but I love the colors and the melancholy feel of it.
And now for a sneak peak into our cabinets… When we moved in several months ago, my number one goal was to unpack, organizing could come later, we just needed to feel settled. Over the weekend I had the motivation and tackled it all in about two hours, as it turns out, living in your space for a while can really help you get a feel for where everything should go. P.s. We have this coffee maker and it is amazing! So good that we actually brought it with us when we lived on a movie set.
This is our pantry cabinet, it’s a little deceiving since it’s very deep and holds quite a bit. I keep party plates, napkins and supplies in the pink tote on the top shelf and then baking appliances on the bottom shelf.
More appliances and kitchen linens…
Platters and serving ware, grilling tools, Hugo has his own drawer that he can access with plates and cups and then I keep my baking supplies and packaging in the bottom drawer.
Since Josh helps with dinner cleanup most nights (he’s the best!), I put anything he might need in the left drawer, takeout containers for leftovers, plastic wrap and dish towels. Silverware and utensils go on the right.
My everyday china is very modern and white but I love to mix up my place settings with vintages plates or Anthropologie finds, I keep each set in it’s own stack. Glasses are on the shelf nearest the water and ice, spices are on the right for easy access during cooking. (I didn’t snag a photo, but I also have my bigger entertaining pieces in the cabinets above my microwave an fridge)
Pots, pans and bowls live in these cabinets. Oh, and of course I can’t forget to mention my gorgeous Nespresso that was a birthday gift from Josh! I have this version (it’s currently 60% off here!) and love that it’s pretty enough to leave out on the counter. I’m almost out of storage space so I keep my Le Creuset pot and BoosBlock cutting board in the oven (when it’s not on, haha!). When we got married almost four years ago, I registered for a ton of good kitchen things and everything has held up beautifully. Since I cook almost every day, it’s never been hard for me to justify the space or the cost of high-quality pieces. My kitchen has always been my happy place and cooking is something that sparks a lot of joy in my life.
And there you have it, a tour of our apartment kitchen!
I love it! It looks well organized and also reflects you and your love of cooking. Nice job!
Beautiful! Great use of space. I love being organized!