After far too long a of a break from daily planners and setting goals (even my post here was me going back to the basics and to the things I know to be true) I finally ordered a new planner for this year, then sat on it for a few weeks and decided that this weekend was the time to plan and dream and start moving again. I had a burst of motivation towards the end of last week and felt the urge to clean all the things, maybe it was the spring weather, but whatever it was, it worked, I cleaned my house, found some beautiful nightstands on fb marketplace for our bedroom, then I wrote down some ideas and a plan to make them happen. Good progress all around.
This is my first year using this beautiful paper (always paper!) planner from Cultivate What Matters (looks like they sold out of the one-year planner, but the 6-month undated version is fully stocked). I was not expecting the 50 pages of prep work they have you fill out to begin, but my goodness is it helpful! It took me several different blocks of time over the weekend to get through, but I was so encouraged to see the clear goals that emerged.
My main goal for this year is “A Happy Home”. This is not a desperate plea for help, it’s just out of conviction that I’ve been way too grumpy of a mom and a reminder that if something is unnecessary AND stealing the peace and joy of our home, then its not worth doing. Another goal is to blog, or rather “to build my blog”. I’m still working out my reason why or even my goal beyond that. For now I think I’ve settled on the fact that it’s a hobby, and I enjoy it. Do I need more than that??? I’m a terrible self promoter so I always feel weird telling/asking people to read my blog. But I’ve been working on some posts that I’m excited to share in the future.
- Prioritize my morning quiet time with the Lord
- Spend quality one-on-one time with Hugo and with Josh every day
- Try out a new daily schedule
- Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! We are a very festive and very IRISH bunch over here.
- Plan our 5 year anniversary trip!!!
- Celebrate 5 years of marriage with Josh!
- Spring clean our closets (toss, donate, sell)
- Write 2 new blog posts a week
- Shop for and purchase new lamps for our bedside tables
- Begin deep work for NEW PROJECT!
- Write simple business plan for NEW PROJECT!
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