I can’t believe that one year in our new home has passed by so quickly. I originally wrote this post when we first moved in. Everything is true. The timing couldn’t have been better and I know that the Divine was at work. This home has been the biggest blessing to us over the year, especially since it was a year where we didn’t travel for work.
A few highlights:
- Celebrating last Easter. A friendly neighborhood rabbit popped into our yard and we’ve referred to him as the Easter Bunny ever since. We’re looking forward to our second Easter in 3 weeks.
- Some amazing antique furniture finds! It takes longer than you think to fill up an entire house when you move with 4 pieces of furniture, but it’s slowly coming together and I’m all about the thrill of the hunt.
- Summer in our backyard. Lots of meals eaten outdoors and getting to see the yard come to life (we had no ideas what was planted when we moved in).
- Joining the neighborhood HOA. I can’t help myself, I’m such a committee person. Then I always wonder, what did I get myself into???
- Hosting Thanksgiving dinner for a few of my wonderful in-laws. Nothing says “home” like a giant roasted turkey. It was warm and cozy and everything I wanted it to be.
- Decorating for Christmas!!! I’m convinced that a house never looks so good as it does at Christmas. I always leave the lights up extra long and the garland hanging until it’s crispy because it makes me so happy.
- All of our birthdays!
- The amazing pink trees in our front yard that are about to bloom. They bloomed the week we bought the house and right now they are so close that I’m holding my breath in anticipation.
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