- ZUM clean laundry soap
I picked this laundry soap up a few months ago and darn it! if I don’t smile every time I walk past the laundry room or grab a towel. I try to make better choices with the products we use in our house but I also want my laundry to SMELL clean, fragrance free stuff makes me sad. This product has a bit of phalate-free fragrance and a ton of essential oils in it and smells so good, like “just walked in the door at Whole Foods” scent. It’s the scent of home to me, since my dad owns a vitamin & supplement company and always came home from his factory smelling a tiny bit herbal (earthy like rosemary and oregano) and my sister and I owned a health food store for several years and there is this unmistakable scent. TEN OUT OF TEN! Find it here.
2. Decaf Coffee
I’m well into my 30s and this is my life. I love my coffee, but if I have a second cup in the afternoon the caffeine I have a very strong urge to open the front door and start running and never stop. Not good. So I brew a cup of decaf in the afternoon and I feel like it makes a noticeable difference. I keep this one in stock.
3. Psalms 2 by Shane & Shane
This album. Oh my goodness. I have walked through some real valleys with this album as my soundtrack. Josh discovered earlier this year and he has had it playing it on the repeat. There is something about this album that is both very raw and comforting at the same time. Give it a listen! Link to Spotify.
4. Libby App
Hugo and I have been really into the library the past few months. It’s pretty hard to pull him out of the kids department and I rarely have the luxury of browsing the shelves upstairs to see what catches my eye. Sometimes I will remember to write down books to look up, or place a hold order ahead of time, but the Libby App has been a most happy discovery! You connect it to your library account and have the ability to download almost any book instantly to your iPad or reader. Some high-demand titles will have a waitlist , but most books are available right away (sometimes I forget that I’m on the list and am pleasantly surprised when it shows up in my queue). Find it on the app store.
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