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This isn’t really a list of goals for the year, it’s more of a list of ideas that I’m cultivating in my own heart and life. I think I’m beginning to barely grasp the fact that I can actually control few things. And being okay with that. My life is busier than ever, and we spin faster. I have a rough idea of what the next 3 months will look like and then, who knows! It has been and will be a big transition year for our family. Josh is making two movies this year, we’re living on set and it’s all very exciting and a lot.
There was a verse that spoke to me during some long months last year and I think of it often. It is a balm to my heart in this season of life. For me, it is such a comfort for me to read this and to know that it’s okay to settle in, to make myself at home, to do things, to work hard and plant and learn and grow.
Build houses and live in them; plant gardens and eat their produce. 6 Take wives and have sons and daughters; take wives for your sons, and give your daughters in marriage, that they may bear sons and daughters; multiply there, and do not decrease.
Jeremiah 29:5-6
In 2020 I made goals, in 2021 I simplified and went back to my personal mission statement. This year, more than goals, there have been a few things that have set my heart on fire. Ideas I can’t run away from, callings that I can’t not do. Forgive the rapid fire list, I could probably spend an entire post on each one, but for now, here it goes…
Pray for revival. In our own hearts. In our families. In our world.
Write more. Struck by something I read “if a paragraph feels too long, then write a sentence. just write.”
Don’t Give Up The Ship. I spotted this printed on the sweatshirt of a wonderfully weathered local gentleman a few months ago. On a day when I felt like giving up on more than one ship. I read it and instantly teared up and I felt like it was a word just for me.
There is always room for one more at the table. Always. I’ve never had a huge group of friends, I have a few very close friends and a giant family, and that feels like a lot for this introvert. But I’m making an effort to be someone who is friendly and includes others. I’ve been the new girl more times than I can count over the past few years and it’s exhausting. I always remember the women who find me a place to sit or where to put my bag, the ones who welcome me into their circle. The world need more of that. And online too. Keeping the snark down. Leaving a note of encouragement on someone’s post or sending a thoughtful message. Not following along or joining in on unkind content. I have to begin in my own heart first. Nice Girls Forever!
Fast is almost never good. Before you make a snap judgement on that statement. Think about it. I was also strangely inspired by this article about HRH Duchess Kate (and the line “Kate, refused to be rushed”)
Batch cooking. A random addition, but Kate @naptimekitchen is rarely wrong and she talks about doubling one meal a week and popping the extra in the freezer for a busy night. Brilliant!
[…] the my old blog here. I mean, five posts in one week. Who even am I? I did mention that one of my goals for the year was to write more… It’s been good to stretch this side of my brain and I […]