Week two. Day 6.
This is where we are as Team Walsh. I’ve always considered myself a part of Josh’s job and a huge part of our life revolves around his work (I’m thankful to his bosses for the many ways they have welcomed and included me over the years.) Hugo has been so good about keeping track of the shooting days and loudly announcing it in the mornings. In case anyone is wondering, this is Day 6.
We’ve settled into a weird and wonderful schedule of waking up and watching the dailies on the couch with cups of hot coffee. I will never get over how special this feels. There was a long minute where I never thought we would get to make another movie, part of me can’t believe that we’re here again.
Last week was rough first week There were all of the initial jitters and problems to work through as well as just getting used to the flow of this particular set. Call times were late and that means that Josh was getting home at 2am or later. It just felt brutal. My sister came in for a few days visit and then Josh called in a favor and had his sister’s family come in to some fun extra’s spots. They spent spring break with us and it was so fun to see them in these scenes.
Josh and I both felt the collateral damage of all of this activity and really made an effort to reset this weekend. We rested up, went to church, I did a little shopping while Josh & Hugo mini golfed, went out for a fun family dinner and went to bed early. I’m so glad that we did, because as I’m sitting down to write this it’s after 4pm and I haven’t cried once (a daily occurrence last week. Not proud of this.)
I had a moment of honesty with myself on Saturday and picked out three things I wanted to work on going into this week. To nourish my body. My appetite is gone when I’m stressed and eating when it’s too late to choose something healthy. To make a bedtime routine and stick to it. I’m usually have great evening habits, but I spent most nights scrolling into the wee hours then getting up early with our son. A vicious cycle. And then to be more consistent and patient with Hugo.
So far so good. I know it’s only Monday but things are looking a bit better. I worked out this morning, the first time I’ve lifted weights since before Christmas. Then popped over to pick up a grocery order with lots of healthy food. We have a few fun things coming up at the end of the week and I’m excited for that too. Onward and upward.
P.s. I love green tea and bought myself some matcha powder last week thinking that I could make my own lattes at home. My first attempt was a disaster! Send any and all matcha latte recipes to me. Please and thank you.
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