We are still up to our eyeballs in bathroom remodel chaos. It’s coming together but, my goodness, has it been a beast. Anyway, I’ll save that for another renovation update coming soon…
It’s hard for me to believe that summer is nearly here. We spent the first few months of the year in Southern Alabama near the beach and so it feels like we’ve been living in summer weather since March. Homeschooling also throws this off a little since we’re not held to the traditional school year (something I have spent a lot of time pondering and am torn between a fall-to-spring schedule or year-round with longer breaks.)
We are unmistakably on the verge of summer here in Tennessee, the trees are green and leafy, the lawns are lush and our little garden is sprouting. The morning light comes early and the neighborhood pool has numerous colorful floats abandoned at the end of the day.
June 2022 Goals:
- Celebrate Father’s Day! I mistakenly thought it was this weekend and panicked to send out gifts only to realize that I had an extra week. I still need to mail out handwritten cards and plan something special for Josh. It feels good to be ahead of schedule for at least a minute!
- Visit the new Sarah Flint store. Sarah Flint opened her first permanent store location here in Nashville and I can’t wait to visit this beautiful space. (P.s. Use my code SARAHFLINT-BAABBEW for $50 off your first purchase!)
- Brainstorm summer rhythms. We’ve gone through some big changes recently and are having a hard time finding a daily flow that works for all 3 of us. I’ve been inspired by my research to implement a better rhythm for summer.
- Family meeting. To discuss aforementioned “summer rhythms” as well as budgets, to-do list items, travel plans and goals. (I’m so sorry Josh, at least there will be good snacks involved!)
- Wake up at 5:30am on weekdays to pray. Josh has been getting up early for the past month and I’ve been encouraged to do the same. My heart has been so heavy in this season and instead of worrying I’ve been convicted to get up and really pray about these difficult situations.
- Finish bathroom remodel and share the results. Here’s hoping there’s something to show by the end of the month.
- Complete a “no spend” week. I’ve never actually done this challenge but I’m excited to try.
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