Here we go! Filming starts next week and even though we’ve been counting down, everything is suddenly feeling very real. Production is wild time, terrifying and a lot of fun. Obviously this is a very small snapshot of what I hope to get done this month, but here are my March 2022 goals.
March 2022 Goals
- Set up guest rooms in anticipation of an influx of family coming to be movie extras and for visits.
- Begin to collect and sort through ALL THE PHOTOS (inspired by Nancy Ray to create a system and organize our family’s archives. I’m combining mine and Josh’s photos starting when we got married and am hoping to create a system to easily keep up from here on out. One of my big goals is to have family yearbooks made and this needs to happen first.)
- Keep up my blogging streak. I feel like I’ve been on a roll and I’m learning so much.
- On that note: take a course on Pinterest for blogging.
- Plan and celebrate St. Patricks Day!
- Plan something special AND celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary!
- Manage our bathroom remodel.
- Prepare for launch of my NEW BUSINESS coming Summer of 2022. Stay tuned!
- Eat breakfast every day. Why is this so hard?!?
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