This is my 100th post on abbewalsh.com! That feels pretty big to me. Never mind the fact that I’ve had this spot for 4 years and that averages out to not many posts and not very often. Today I’m excited to share something I’ve had on my to-do list for a while now, an art cart for kids!

Our art supplies have gotten out of hand recently. When I packed up to move to here to set, I had a nice plastic container and lid with crafty things and homeschooling supplies. Three months later and there are broken pencils, half finished paintings and dried play-dough everywhere. I love things to be tidy but I’m not willing to give up the crafty mess because art is an important part of our life and I want Hugo to be someone who is creates. Goodness knows the times I’ve taken over the kitchen table and countertops with my sewing projects!

I’ve been seeing these rolling carts used as an art cart and thought this would be the perfect place to corral all of our things. Michaels had them on super sale over the weekend. (I bought THIS ONE in Coral. Similar ART CARTS HERE and HERE) so Hugo and I headed off to buy one and to refresh our art supplies. I think my efforts paid off because he was up at 6:15am and at the table playing with the fresh play dough.
Favorite Supplies to make an Art Cart for Kids:
- Markers
- Crayons
- Colored Pencils
- Kid’s Safety Scissors (He has been warned that these are ONLY for paper…)
- Construction Paper
- Glue
- Play Dough and cookie cutters (Check out my homemade Play Dough Kit DIY here)
- Pre-made Craft Kits (I buy clearance holiday sets and let him go to town! Who cares if its red/green?!?)
- Envelopes (He loves to make and deliver letters to us and friends)
- Watercolors
- Watercolor Paper
- Sketchpads
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